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- Prof: A.R Shakoori
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Prof. Dr. A.R.Shakoori

University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan: B.Sc., 1960, M.Sc., 1962; University of Hohenheim, West Germany: D.Sc. (, 1972.
University of the Punjab, Lahore: Professor Emeritus; Distinguished National Professor, 2005 to date; University of the Punjab, Lahore: Meritorious Professor and Director School of Biological Sciences, 2000 to date; Professor, 1987-2000; Chairman: Department of Zoology, 1996-1999, 2002; Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, 2000-2002; Associate Professor, 1979-1987; Assistant Professor, 1972-1979; Lecturer, 1963-1972; Director, School of Biological Sciences, 2002 to date; Co-Director, Center for Advanced Molecular Biology, 1984-1991; Chairman, Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, 2001-2002; Director, B.Sc. Hons. Program, 2000-2002; Visiting Professor: University of Massachusetts Medical Center, Worcestor, USA, 1989 to date; University of Marburg, Germany, 1996; Kings College, London, 1997 and University of Essex, UK, 1999; Lecturer, Govt. Degree College, Jhelum, 1962-1963.
Roll of Honor, Govt. College, Lahore, 1962; Cash Prize and Commendation Certificate for Research Work, Punjab University, Lahore, 1979, 1983; Cash Prize, National Book Council of Pakistan, 1988; Scientist of the Year Award, Govt. of Pakistan, 1986, 1997; Senior Fulbright Fellowship, 1992-93; Award of Honor, Zoological Society of Pakistan, 1995; Senior DAAD Fellowship, 1996; Aizaz-i-Kamal, Govt. of Pakistan, 1996; Zoologist of the Year Award, 1997; Fellowship of Royal Society, UK, 1998; Tamgha-i-Imtiaz, Govt. of Pakistan, 1999; Research Productivity Award, 2002,2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009.
Fellow, The Academy of Sciences for the Developing World (TWAS), 2004; Zoological Society of Pakistan, 1968 to date; New York Academy of Sciences; President, Zoological Society of Pakistan, 2002 to date; Secretary, Zoological Society of Pakistan, 1991, 2009-2012 and Pakistan Association for Experimental Biologists, 1979-1980; Chief Patron, Zoologists Association of Pakistan, 1987-1990; Editor, Pakistan Journal of Zoology, 1980 to date.
Cell and Molecular Biology with special interest in Gene Expression, Biochemical Toxicology and Environmental Biotechnology, Molecular Basis of Hereditary Diseases; publication: research 478; books 11; degrees awarded; PhD 48; MSc..M.Phil 260.