Ethical Guidelines and General Information
Impact Factor for 2023 = 0.500.
Ethical Approvals In cases where animals are used in the submitted manuscript, the methods section must clearly indicate approval from the ethics committee of the institute or organisation and should state that all efforts were taken to minimize pain and discomfort to the animal while conducting these experiments. Moreover, biomedical research involving human subjects shall follow international ethical guidelines.
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Review: Should comprehensively focus on an emerging topic, which fit into the scope of the journal. Prior permission from the Editor is mandatory. There is no specific format of different sections.
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Introduction:This section should summarize existing literature sufficiently so that the readers understand the background of the findings. At the end, the introduction should contain the objectives of the study. Authors may use subheadings, if necessory.
Materials and Methods:
his part should contain sufficient experimental and analytical details so that any readers can repeat the procedures without consulting the author of the study. To have better understanding of the methodologies, it is recommended that this section be divided under different subheadings.
Results and Discussion:
This section may be divided by subheadings or may be combined depending upon the nature of manuscript and the type of study.
This section should clearly explain the main conclusions of the work. It should not be more than one paragraph and should not repeat the text presented earlier in the text. Efforts should be made to highlight the importance and relevance of the study.
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he manuscript must clearly state the contribution of each author and should convince editors that each author has contributed significantly to the study.
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References in the text should be mentioned as Smith, 2005 (when there is single author) or Smith and Franklin, 2005 (when there are two authors) or Smith et al., 2005 (when there are more than two authors). The names of the journals should be abbreviated according to the latest edition of the World List of Scientific Periodicals. The reference in the Reference List shall be arranged alphabetically as mentioned below for each categories: Journal Mauer, J., Chaurasia, B., Goldau, J., Vogt, M.C., Ruud, J., Nguyen, K.D., Theurich, S., Hausen, A.C., Schmitz, J., Brönneke, H.S., Estevez, E., Allen, T.L., Mesaros, A., Partridge, L., Febbraio, M.A., Chawla, A., Wunderlich, F.T., Bruning, J.C., 2014. Signaling by IL-6 promotes alternative activation of macrophages to limit endotoxemia and obesity-associated resistance to insulin. Nature Immunol., 15: 423-430. Book Munir, M., 2002: Mononegaviruses of veterinary importance. Volume I: Pathobiology and molecular diagnosis: 1st edn. CABI, UK. Chapter in Edited Book Gnanadurai, C. W., Lyon, D. C., Jackson, A. C., Fu, Z. F., 2014: Rabies Virus. In: Munir, M (eds), Mononegaviruses of veterinary importance. Volume I: Pathobiology and molecular diagnosis, 1nd edn. pp. 209-221. CABI, UK. PhD thesis Author, A., 2003: Thesis title with lower case initials to all words. PhD thesis, University, Town, Country. Web Page Global Alliance for Research on Avian Diseases, 2014: Partners Available at: (accessed 7 Jan 2014).
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Figures should be submitted in separate files and should be uploaded to the online submission system (eSubmit) along with the manuscript. All figures should be cited in the paper in consecutive order. Figures should be supplied in .jpg or jpeg formats.
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Tables should be submitted in separate files and should be uploaded to the online submission system (eSubmit) along with the manuscript. Tables should be cited consecutively in the text and should not be abbreviated.
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